Creation Light Ship

The Creation Light Ship WebSite

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Does the Creation Light Ship website still work?

Ron Amitron, Master Healer, Teacher and Ambassador to Source, created the Creation Light Ship website in 2005, adding many new healings each year to benefit and serve humanity. The clearings all ran through Ron’s body as an anchor here on earth, with the Light Beings on the Creation Light Ship facilitating his healings. 

Ron continually shared that these healings and clearings were the same healings Jesus performed 2000 years ago. He would know as he was the healing Light Being in the body of Jesus at that time. 

All Twelve Source Energies (Light Being Ambassadors from Source) inhabited the body of Jesus during this planets previous ascension. The Creation Light Ship facilitated the healings through the Light Beings on earth 2000 years ago as well.

During Ron’s mission on earth many people experienced profound healings with Ron’s in person healings and the Creation Light Ship healings, however, a few people claimed they didn’t feel any difference. Also, many anomalies with the Creation Light Ship web site were reported while Ron was here, such as alien faces appearing overtop of the Light Being face, glitches and a feeling the clearings were not working at all. 

Ron addressed these directly by stating the Creation Light Ship clearings always work, but some people did not have enough Spirit within them to feel the benefits, or they required different clearings that addressed their main blockage, or, more time performing the clearings would be necessary etc. 

He also stated the website was INCORRUPTIBLE. It is presented through Source; the Creation Light Ship. Any interference was due to individual computers, servers or other outside influences. 

Ron suggested running the BE HERE NOW clearing through the infected computer, using commands and changing servers and environments etc. Many people reported back this helped tremendously and no longer experienced interference.


Also, as participants grew their light, released darkness and integrated their Spirit, many having previous difficulty reported they were now feeling significant benefits from the healings.

Why did the dark take Ron out?

Sept 9th, 2018,  Ron left his body behind, no longer inspired to re-animate it after another severe attack. 

Not only was Ron doing profound work supporting the ascension, healing and teaching, as well as removing many negative aliens and rescuing beings of Light from harm, his website was singlehandedly supporting the ascension of millions of people with the click of a button on line. Imagine how intimidating that would be to vampiric forces that rely on human blood, body parts, life energy and human Spirits for sustenance.

Keeping beings with light back from the ascension is the darks only game left; the only way for them to survive.

Ron’s departure was not a shock to attentive listeners as he gave many indications he would be leaving through his BBS shows… mentioning his mission was almost complete, as well as being unwilling to commit to the Autumn Expo he regularly attended. It was clear to many he knew he would be leaving. 

Listeners noticing the inevitable end to Ron’s mentorship and private healings would call into his BBS radio shows asking if the Creation Light Ship website would continue to work if he left his body. Ron assured his listeners in 2017 and 2018 LIVE ON HIS BBS SHOWS, that when he left his body the Creation Light Ship website would REMAIN operational and that the clearings would always work.

He was not about to allow his life’s work and the main conduit for humanity to heal, integrate their Spirit and make the ascension, to become non operational simply because his body was no longer here. 

Ron assured us he would find a way to keep the Creation Light Ship Healings functional after he left his body, and with Source, there’s always a way. 

After Ron departed, his co-hosts from the BBS radio show collaborated on a final show to announce to the public that Ron had returned full time to the Creation Light Ship.

There has been hesitancy for many to use the website after that BBS show, due to a second hand message that was delivered on the air after Ron departed.

Not one of the co-hosts mentioned that Ron had informed them previously that the website would no longer work, however, they relayed a message from an unknown person saying no one should use the website any longer and to rely on the commands.

If Ron knew he would be leaving in 2018, why then did he not publicly and personally state on his BBS radio show not to use the website any longer once he left his body? All we have is a second hand message from an unnamed person saying not to use the website.

So far, there have been no recordings posted publicly that we are aware of, in Ron’s voice or in his personal News Letters, ever stating that the Creation Light Ship website would no longer be active once he left his body.

The unnamed person making the statement not to use the website was most likely very sincere, simply reporting what they believed to be true from what they observed or experienced. We trust everyone close to Ron would be doing the best they could to support Ron’s wishes. It’s also possible there was a transition period before the website would be recalibrated without Ron being here, but that was not included in the message that was passed along.

Considering the massive amount of dark force pressure and interference to shut down the website and inhibit further clearings that would assist millions across the globe in the ascension process, there is a high likelihood dark force interference occurred.

Even Ambassadors from Source have been fooled by dark forces. The dark knows the light but the light does not know the dark

Darkness can animate a body and use its voice after the Spirit has left, as well as implant thoughts into people’s minds to fulfill an agenda, especially under duress. In fact, there’s a BBS radio show recorded in 2018 where Ron was clearly not in his body, yet continuing to speak and not very coherently, due to a massive attack occurring while he was doing his show.

Without any recording of Ron asking people not to use the website or any indication there would be a problem after he left, it’s difficult to substantiate where the messenger received the information to stop using the website, even if the person was absolutely following directions they believed they received from Ron.

Again, this is not to question the unnamed persons sincerity. This is based on the massive motivation and mischief in full force against Ron and the Creation Light Ship website at the time of his departure, and the overwhelming dark intent to wipe Ron and all he put in place off the face of the earth in every way possible.

At the time of Ron’s departure another Light Being from Source had become activated and a few others on their way. Also, the Earth was being animated by Light holders after the Spirit of the Earth had ascended with Ron’s help. Now we have one or more massive Spirits animating the earth. More Light is available on this planet now than there has been in the past 50 years.

Creation Light Ship VOLUNTEERS make an Announcement

After the statement not to use the Creation Light Ship website was announced on BBS Radio, the Creation Light Ship website volunteers, who are very close with Ron, announced that the Creation Light Ship web site was operational and more powerful than ever. This has been proven many times over with numerous pages of posted testimonials written after 2018.

The Creation Light Ship website is manned by VOLUNTEERS and there are significant costs to maintain a website of that sort. Why would these volunteers invest so much time, love, care, intention and effort into writing and publishing News Letters, mailing them out, addressing all the questions, repairing all the glitches on the website and helping all who request support, with nothing to gain but helping people ascend, unless they were guided by the Light in their hearts, Ron and the Creation Light Ship?

There are also some folks (just as in 2005 – 2018 while Ron was in his body) who have reported anomalies with the web-site in the past few years, such as challenges with the timer on certain clearings, PayPal glitches and things going off line etc. Some assume this is an indication the site is no longer connected to the Creation Light Ship because Ron is no longer here in a body.

Please recall there were many challenges and PayPal glitches etc., with the website and the clearings while Ron was still in a body down here. Do you really believe Source, the Creation Light Ship and the Spirit of Ron Amitron would allow the Creation Light Ship website to continue to animate if it was harming people or non-functional? They could take it off line in a nanosecond if that were the case.

As Ron shared while he was here, the Creation Light Ship website is run by the Creation Light Ship. IT is incorruptible, but the servers, computers, environments and people etc., are not. Run the BE HERE NOW clearing and restart your computer etc., to refresh the energies.

The Creation Light Ship website is a very important asset for humanity and has already facilitated more capacity for millions of people to ascend. 

For those who don’t experience any benefit from the clearings, please continue to increase your life force energy and integrate more of your Spirit. The benefits will become evident as you accrete more light.

Always listen to your own heart and override all outside input to make your own choices. If it doesn’t feel right to you to run the clearings, it can be empowering to rely on the commands. If the commands do not work for you, do your best to integrate more light and listen to Ron’s BBS recordings and Q’s shows on BBS as well. The frequency of their voices add peace and Light to those who resonate with them.


The main purpose of the Creation Light Ship website is to help people release darkness and increase their own Light so their Spirit has the power to heal them and guide them during the ascension. Your Spirit is always what actually heals you and directs you to safety.

For those who have more questions, the lovely VOLUNTEERS at the Creation Light Ship website are there to help you with the clearings. They keep an updated contact on the website for participants.

ForTheSpirt does not have any business association with the Creation Light Ship website, nor do we receive any income from it, or for promoting it. We simply view it with paramount importance for the ascension.

Blessings on your healing Journey



All paintings by Yongsung Kim

Creation Light Ship

Spirit Retrieval

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The Spirit prefers a state of peace and neutrality to remain comfortable in the body. Under extreme conditions such as shock, trauma, intense or prolonged stress, anger, thinking too much, drugs, alcohol, pharmaceuticals and amplified emotions, as well as extreme or prolonged physical pain and illness, the Spirit, or parts of the Spirit, can leave the body, hover around the body, or splinter with ‘fragments’ breaking free.

Contrarily, on rare occasions, some Spirits may actually merge more powerfully to protect the body if circumstances are dire. Infinite possibilities exist for each Spirit within infinite experiences and circumstances.

In less dramatic situations the Spirit can be called back with commands and often will return on its own once the disturbance or pain has subsided.

Ron Amitron emphasized doing the Emotional and Mental Body Clearings regularly to give your energy bodies extra support, keeping your body and being as neutral and peaceful as possible.

Links to Creation Light Ship (CLS) clearings:

Whole Life Emotional Body Clearing

Whole Life Mental Body Clearing

Performing these two clearings regularly will keep the main energy bodies clean, often resulting in less reactiveness, and therefor, less abductions.

The following list of clearings were recommended by Ron Amitron; the Creator of the Creation Light Ship website, as a powerful boost for newcomers to the website. These clearings bring back a significant amount of Spirit Light, making the rest of the clearings much more potent,

All healings require the power of our own Spirit. The more Spirit you have, the more you will feel the benefits of the clearings and healings.

Once your Spirit is fully in tact, the Commands are generally sufficient

If you do sense splinters of your Spirit have left, you can call them back with commands, such as:




These commands will bring your Spirit back into your body if you have enough Life Force to fuel the commands, and if there is room inside the body for the Spirit to return.

If something, such as an entity or body jumper enters the body to take up space the Spirit once inhabited, it may be more difficult for the Light of the Spirit to return. In those cases, darkness must be removed for the Spirit to take its place once again.

If darkness has taken the place of pieces of your Spirit, the following command will help remove darkness:


If you require more support, these Creation Light Ship clearings will help clean out darkness:

Whole Life Entity Attachment Removal

All beings of Light on Earth who have experienced trauma, can benefit from running the Entity Attachment Removal, especially those who suffer from what has been termed multiple personalities, depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, suicidal thoughts, dementia and violent thoughts.

Children who appear to have a dark side or are nonsensically argumentative or antagonistic in a cruel way, may require over a month or more of these clearings to show significant improvement. Entities can pig pile or conjoin in groups with specific epigenetic that require more Light to remove. This also applies to couples experiencing extreme conflict with those most loving and close to them.


This is similar to a parent having permission to feed and cloth and care for a baby. If a dark force kidnaps a baby, the parents don’t need permission to rescue the baby. Our Spirits are the children of Source.

On the other hand, practices people partake in such as prayer and healing modalities absolutely require permission from people, as these are mind energies and not Source energies.

Alien Attack Page

Clear out any alien form you sense may have joined you and then run the Spirit to Body Integration.

On Option 10, (Spirit to Body Integration,) of the Alien Attack page, you can ask the Light Beings to bring back MORE of your Spirit. This can be run at 480 minutes repeatedly until you sense your Spirit splinters have returned.

If you sense a significant percentage of your Spirit has left your body, you may wish to have the Creation Light Ship infuse your being with Source Light to offer extra support and to give the clearings more fuel.

The Light Infusion Chamber

It is our Spirit that facilitates ALL healings, therefor, the more light we hold in the body the more powerful and beneficial the Creation Light Ship healings will be. 

If you’re conscious and living through your heart, you will have enough Spirit to animate your body, as well as benefit from the commands and the clearings to bring more of your Spirit back to you. 

Ron Amitron mentioned that some people only have 1% of their original Spirit left and they still animate their body and remain functional. 

No matter where you are right now in terms of Spirit quotient, as long as your body has a connection to your Spirit, you can grow your Light by calling back more of your Spirit.

The Creation Light Ship also has a Spirit Barcode clearing and a Whole Life Spirit clearing. Both are extremely helpful with releasing the Spirit from harm, retrieving it, and deterring abductions.

Spirit Barcode Removal

The Spirit Barcode Removal will free your Spirit from the energetic imprint the negative aliens overlay upon each unique frequency. Removal will make it more difficult for them to track, target, and take your Spirit. This clearing is also very helpful for a successful ascension process.

Spirit Whole Life Clearing

When you purchase the unlimited version of the Spirit Whole Life clearing, you can set the specific incident to UNKNOWN for 9999 minutes and run it continuously for a month or so until you feel the completion. This will bring all Spirit parts back to you that can be easily found.

You may also benefit from writing out Specific Incidents (in the Specific Incident box) you believe may have caused your Spirit to leave, and ask for the Light Beings to retrieve your Spirit from that Specific Incident and integrate it back into your body.


The Spirit in a Box clearing finds stolen parts of your Spirit that have been locked in boxes by the negative aliens etc. These parts will be returned to you and integrated back into your body with the clearing. 

Spirit in a Box Whole Life Healing

If you’ve experienced extreme trauma, have been in the military or been subject to abuse or illness that left you melancholy for an extended period of time, it’s possible parts of your Spirit have left you, or have been stolen. The commands and clearings on the Creation Light Ship are here to support you no matter what you may be going through.

There is no greater investment than bringing your Spirit back into your body!

The Spirit and Sleep

The negative aliens managed to make clones of our bodies on other frequencies, such as cloned planets and alternate earths, specifically for the purpose of luring our Spirit into those bodies while we sleep. If drama or trauma are generated in those cloned bodies, the negative aliens can steal more light from the Spirit that enters them.

Generally, this may cause a person to wake up feeling more exhausted, or as if they’ve been in a battle. Bruises, cuts, strains, odd marks or feeling anxious may be a result etc. These signs can also be due to other sorts of alien abductions, or being a Time Traveling Soldier in alien wars etc. No matter the reason, the Creation Light Ship, your Commands and living a life of peace and neutrality making healthy choices will help keep your Spirit in your body while you sleep. Also, commanding your Spirit to heal and balance the body while the body sleeps will give the Spirit an important task to perform, instead of going off on another adventure in a cloned body.

If you know you’re a Time Traveling Soldier and no longer wish to serve in this manner, simply declare out loud:


As more light and awareness return, most report much less interference, if any at all. Ron also suggested adding Shrink Wrapping and closing the chakras regularly.




When we regularly command our Spirit to remain with the body while we sleep, it’s more prone to stay with the body, according to Ron Amitron. It’s also imperative to be in the heart while we drift off to sleep to remain outside of timelines.

Head to Heart Command


(Making you real takes you off timelines)

Then count down 3 X’s and experience the mental energy dissolving as your awareness moves into your heart center merging with your Spirit.




Timeline Crash Cloned Bodies

If you remember a dream or nightmare, it’s wise to timeline crash and spacetime crash that dream immediately until you sense the entire timeline that clone exists on has been collapsed. If you have a recurring dream that disturbs you, you may enjoy the best success running a timeline crash for that specific dream or nightmare over 1000 hours on average to collapse the entire timeline and the clone that has been made of you to steel your light.

Please remember, living in your heart deters Spirit abduction, nightmares, splintering and circumstances that would lead to your Spirit leaving your body. The more we live in our heart, following our heart felt excitement, the more peaceful and playful this adventure becomes.

Timeline Crash (One Month)

Alien Paralel Lifetime Removal

Current Lifetime Cloned Bodies living on Cloned Earth

Peruse the menu on the upper left side of the Creation Light Ship home page to find clearings that resonate most with you after you have performed the Emotional and Mental Whole Life Clearings, which are a prerequisite for all other clearings.

Creation Light Ship Home Page

May you enjoy great peace and fulfillment




Big Talk

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  When you give a voice to your spirit
life begins

Every moment… every breath holds tremendous opportunity to share ourselves with the world. Like a flower blooming, emanating its fragrance, it’s what we were born to do.

We often get by with small talk, when the Spirit yearns for a spark to ignite the masterpiece within. This lovely girl Kalina has captured the miracles of Big Talk, opening gateways of truth, life, love and the inner spark we hold most dear!




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Sustainable TEAM Gardening

What’s a Permablitz?

A blitz of combined community energy to create an expertly laid out permaculture garden for sustainable growing. One back yard can yield enough for a small community. Two back yards with different produce can sustain greater diversity for a community.

Script from “Resilient Roots” website:

“Many people from the community all pitching in to get a large job done.  In this case, it’s a landscape or parts of a landscape that has been designed by the professionals at Resilient Roots. Participants get first-hand knowledge of how to create an ecological/edible landscape.

What Happens at a Permablitz?

 A series of tasks to be accomplished that day will be decided upon in advance such as sheet- mulching, planting fruit trees, digging paths or swales, making vegetable beds or implementing greywater systems. You’ll be shown what to do and be working alongside others.  There will be short workshops relating to the activities so you can learn new skills. The host will provide lunch.  We usually break around four o’clock depending on our progress.  

Permablitzes are open to the public but limited to how many people the site can accommodate.  There is shared food, and plenty of exercise, along with a good time.  At Resilient Roots, we base our site selection on reciprocity, so in order to qualify for a permablitz, you need to come to some first.

Who Should Come to a Permablitz?

 We welcome all, no matter your skill level.  First-time gardeners are welcome. Just come and contribute any way you are able to.   It’s about community and learning.

Contact us if you want to learn more about our permablitzes and/or you would like to host one.

From the Permablitz Melbourne Website:

Permablitz (noun): An informal gathering involving a day on which a group of at least two people come together to achieve the following:

  • create or add to edible gardens
  • share skills related to permaculture and sustainable living
  • build community
  • have fun

The term permablitz is a contraction of permaculture and blitz, where a blitz simply means a focused effort to get something done.

Permablitzes are always free, public events, with free workshops and shared food, where you get some exercise and have a good time.

To be defined as a permablitz each event must be underpinned by a permaculture design by someone with a Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) – the most basic permaculture qualification.

The network runs on reciprocity, and in order to qualify for a permablitz you usually need to come to some first, although there can be exceptions in this case. 







Water Light

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E-Dina Water Light

There’s an Indigenous Community called the Wayuú Community that lives on the remote La Guajira Peninsula spanning the border of Columbia and Venezuela.

Their deep ancestral connection with the sea, offered them wisdom to harness salt water and turn it into usable energy. In collaboration, the Columbian Renewable Energy Start – up,  E-Dina (E-DEENA) created a revolutionary lantern that you fill with salt water from the ocean to instantly generate light from sea water.

~ Just two cups of water can create clean and renewable energy for up to 45 days

~ Great for remote areas without access to reliable electricity. 

~ It’s eco friendly, durable and sustainable

The E-Dina Water Light utilizes ionization of electrolytes from salt water and magnesium to convert the ocean water into usable energy. It has a specifically designed electronic circuit that manages to extend the transfer of these ions from a saline medium, converting them into convenient and instantaneous energy. 

(The electrodes of the salt bridge, enabling the lantern to draw energy from the saltwater; an already established process.)

~ The electronic circuit makes it possible to extract around 500 watts for each liter of water.

Just like any electric outlet, it can generate light, power up any gadget, such as a computer or a stereo and you can carry it anywhere.



The StationMaster

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Occupation: Stationmaster & Operating Officer

In 2006, the Wakayama Electric Railway was going to close the Kishi Station to save money. However, the president of the railway saw Tama, who had been living inside the station, as a maneki-neko, or ‘beckoning cat’, a common Japanese figurine which is believed to bring good luck and wealth.

On January 5, 2007, railway officials officially awarded Tama the title of Station Master. Her primary duty was to greet passengers. In lieu of a salary, the railway provided Tama with a year’s worth of cat food and a gold name tag stating her name and position. In July of 2008 Tama was presented with two specially designed station master’s hat, one for cold weather and one for summer.

After the publicity around Tama’s appointment, passenger traffic to the Kishi station increased by 17% and a study estimated that Tama contributed 1.1 billion yen (close to USD $650,000) to the local economy. Often cited as a phenomenon known in Japan as “Nekonomics” (“cat economy”), this refers to the positive economic impact of having a cat mascot.

On December 5, 2007, Tama was recognized with the railways “Top Station Runner Award”. Her year-end bonus included a special cat toy and a celebratory slice of crab, which was fed to Tama by the company president.

On January 5, 2008, Tama was promoted to “Super Station Master” in a ceremony attended by the president of the company, the mayor, and approximately 300 spectators. As a result of her promotion, she was “the only female in a managerial position in the company”. An additional “S” was added to her gold name tag for “super”.

In January 2010, Tama was promoted to “Operating Officer” in recognition of her contribution to expanding the railway’s customer base. She still maintained her station master’s job while taking on the responsibilities of the new job. Tama was the first cat to become an executive of a railroad corporation. To celebrate this great honor, the station building at Kishi was rebuilt with a new façade resembling a cat’s face.

Continuing her meteoric career path, in January 2011, she was promoted to “Managing Executive Officer”. This made her third in line in management after the company president and the managing director. 

Tama died on June 22, 2015, of apparent heart failure. She was honored with a Shinto-style funeral at the station and over 3,000 people attended. After the traditional fifty day mourning period, Tama was succeeded by her deputy, Nitama. Nitama’s first official duty was to be conveyed to her predecessor’s shrine to pay her respects. 

On April 29, 2017, on what would have been her 18th birthday, Google honored Tama with a Google doodle. 

Name: Tama

Occupation: Stationmaster & Operating Officer

Born: April 29,1999. Died: June 22, 2015.

Residence: Kishi Railway Station, Kinokawa, Japan.

Species: Cat.

Story found on AnyHigh at



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“Chácobo” = “We who are truly ourselves.”

“In the Cobo language there is no word for work separate from play.”

~ Athena Steen

The Canelo Project grew out of our love for the place we live – Canelo.

The Canelo Project is both a family-based community and an applied education center that gives people hands on experience on a lifestyle that aims to be sustainable.

It is an ongoing exploration of living, growing food, and building that creates friendship, beauty and simplicity.

While we aim to create integrated living systems, our ultimate goal is to cultivate our own and others partnership with nature, culture and one another.

The Canelo Project

Connecting people, culture and nature

…creating with local resources; Sand, Rock, Straw, Clay and Water.

Quotes from Athena’s narrative about her family:

Nothing seems to stop them or get in their way. They always figure out how to build and create.”

It’s not only the right way to do things, it’s the more enjoyable way to do things.”

People are hungry for a different way of doing things.”

“There’s something so satisfying to the soul when you are doing it the best you can.”

Any energy that goes into something is going to come back out. All that love and care and community… the connection that’s going in every step and every process together as a family, together as a community is exuding back out at you through your lifetime and its lifetime.”

Learn to honor and see each others gifts because we are all different.”

If you all come together you can accomplish miracles.”

Special thanks to Shailaa for sharing


Love At first sight

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Millions of tons of sargassum wash up on beaches across North America every year. Exposure can lead to breathing problems, and it costs millions to clean it up. Now, one Mexican entrepreneur is building houses out of bricks made from the invasive species.

~ Insider Business – YouTube

“Between me and sargassum it was love at first sight.”

Omar Vazquez

Omar was helping to clean up the beaches of Mexico when his idea to turn a Problem into a Solution occurred to him. He went home to his workshop, dried the seaweed, mixed it with earth and other special ingredients and began perfecting his Sargassum Bricks.

Soon Omar was building houses for people for free, which led to building houses for profit. His customers are very happy and the Sargassum Bricks have sustained the test of time surviving horrific storms throughout the years.

One mans desire to find a solution through his own creativity helps millions of people, from beach goers to builders and beach front property owners.

Thank you Omar !!!

Special Thanks to Shailaa for forwarding
