The Creation Light Ship WebSite
Posted onDoes the Creation Light Ship website still work?
Ron Amitron, Master Healer, Teacher and Ambassador to Source, created the Creation Light Ship website in 2005, adding many new healings each year to benefit and serve humanity. The clearings all ran through Ron’s body as an anchor here on earth, with the Light Beings on the Creation Light Ship facilitating his healings.
Ron continually shared that these healings and clearings were the same healings Jesus performed 2000 years ago. He would know as he was the healing Light Being in the body of Jesus at that time.
All Twelve Source Energies (Light Being Ambassadors from Source) inhabited the body of Jesus during this planets previous ascension. The Creation Light Ship facilitated the healings through the Light Beings on earth 2000 years ago as well.
During Ron’s mission on earth many people experienced profound healings with Ron’s in person healings and the Creation Light Ship healings, however, a few people claimed they didn’t feel any difference. Also, many anomalies with the Creation Light Ship web site were reported while Ron was here, such as alien faces appearing overtop of the Light Being face, glitches and a feeling the clearings were not working at all.
Ron addressed these directly by stating the Creation Light Ship clearings always work, but some people did not have enough Spirit within them to feel the benefits, or they required different clearings that addressed their main blockage, or, more time performing the clearings would be necessary etc.
He also stated the website was INCORRUPTIBLE. It is presented through Source; the Creation Light Ship. Any interference was due to individual computers, servers or other outside influences.
Ron suggested running the BE HERE NOW clearing through the infected computer, using commands and changing servers and environments etc. Many people reported back this helped tremendously and no longer experienced interference.
Also, as participants grew their light, released darkness and integrated their Spirit, many having previous difficulty reported they were now feeling significant benefits from the healings.
Why did the dark take Ron out?
Sept 9th, 2018, Ron left his body behind, no longer inspired to re-animate it after another severe attack.
Not only was Ron doing profound work supporting the ascension, healing and teaching, as well as removing many negative aliens and rescuing beings of Light from harm, his website was singlehandedly supporting the ascension of millions of people with the click of a button on line. Imagine how intimidating that would be to vampiric forces that rely on human blood, body parts, life energy and human Spirits for sustenance.
Keeping beings with light back from the ascension is the darks only game left; the only way for them to survive.
Ron’s departure was not a shock to attentive listeners as he gave many indications he would be leaving through his BBS shows… mentioning his mission was almost complete, as well as being unwilling to commit to the Autumn Expo he regularly attended. It was clear to many he knew he would be leaving.
Listeners noticing the inevitable end to Ron’s mentorship and private healings would call into his BBS radio shows asking if the Creation Light Ship website would continue to work if he left his body. Ron assured his listeners in 2017 and 2018 LIVE ON HIS BBS SHOWS, that when he left his body the Creation Light Ship website would REMAIN operational and that the clearings would always work.
He was not about to allow his life’s work and the main conduit for humanity to heal, integrate their Spirit and make the ascension, to become non operational simply because his body was no longer here.
Ron assured us he would find a way to keep the Creation Light Ship Healings functional after he left his body, and with Source, there’s always a way.
After Ron departed, his co-hosts from the BBS radio show collaborated on a final show to announce to the public that Ron had returned full time to the Creation Light Ship.
There has been hesitancy for many to use the website after that BBS show, due to a second hand message that was delivered on the air after Ron departed.
Not one of the co-hosts mentioned that Ron had informed them previously that the website would no longer work, however, they relayed a message from an unknown person saying no one should use the website any longer and to rely on the commands.
If Ron knew he would be leaving in 2018, why then did he not publicly and personally state on his BBS radio show not to use the website any longer once he left his body? All we have is a second hand message from an unnamed person saying not to use the website.
So far, there have been no recordings posted publicly that we are aware of, in Ron’s voice or in his personal News Letters, ever stating that the Creation Light Ship website would no longer be active once he left his body.
The unnamed person making the statement not to use the website was most likely very sincere, simply reporting what they believed to be true from what they observed or experienced. We trust everyone close to Ron would be doing the best they could to support Ron’s wishes. It’s also possible there was a transition period before the website would be recalibrated without Ron being here, but that was not included in the message that was passed along.
Considering the massive amount of dark force pressure and interference to shut down the website and inhibit further clearings that would assist millions across the globe in the ascension process, there is a high likelihood dark force interference occurred.
Even Ambassadors from Source have been fooled by dark forces. The dark knows the light but the light does not know the dark
Darkness can animate a body and use its voice after the Spirit has left, as well as implant thoughts into people’s minds to fulfill an agenda, especially under duress. In fact, there’s a BBS radio show recorded in 2018 where Ron was clearly not in his body, yet continuing to speak and not very coherently, due to a massive attack occurring while he was doing his show.
Without any recording of Ron asking people not to use the website or any indication there would be a problem after he left, it’s difficult to substantiate where the messenger received the information to stop using the website, even if the person was absolutely following directions they believed they received from Ron.
Again, this is not to question the unnamed persons sincerity. This is based on the massive motivation and mischief in full force against Ron and the Creation Light Ship website at the time of his departure, and the overwhelming dark intent to wipe Ron and all he put in place off the face of the earth in every way possible.
At the time of Ron’s departure another Light Being from Source had become activated and a few others on their way. Also, the Earth was being animated by Light holders after the Spirit of the Earth had ascended with Ron’s help. Now we have one or more massive Spirits animating the earth. More Light is available on this planet now than there has been in the past 50 years.
Creation Light Ship VOLUNTEERS make an Announcement
After the statement not to use the Creation Light Ship website was announced on BBS Radio, the Creation Light Ship website volunteers, who are very close with Ron, announced that the Creation Light Ship web site was operational and more powerful than ever. This has been proven many times over with numerous pages of posted testimonials written after 2018.
The Creation Light Ship website is manned by VOLUNTEERS and there are significant costs to maintain a website of that sort. Why would these volunteers invest so much time, love, care, intention and effort into writing and publishing News Letters, mailing them out, addressing all the questions, repairing all the glitches on the website and helping all who request support, with nothing to gain but helping people ascend, unless they were guided by the Light in their hearts, Ron and the Creation Light Ship?
There are also some folks (just as in 2005 – 2018 while Ron was in his body) who have reported anomalies with the web-site in the past few years, such as challenges with the timer on certain clearings, PayPal glitches and things going off line etc. Some assume this is an indication the site is no longer connected to the Creation Light Ship because Ron is no longer here in a body.
Please recall there were many challenges and PayPal glitches etc., with the website and the clearings while Ron was still in a body down here. Do you really believe Source, the Creation Light Ship and the Spirit of Ron Amitron would allow the Creation Light Ship website to continue to animate if it was harming people or non-functional? They could take it off line in a nanosecond if that were the case.
As Ron shared while he was here, the Creation Light Ship website is run by the Creation Light Ship. IT is incorruptible, but the servers, computers, environments and people etc., are not. Run the BE HERE NOW clearing and restart your computer etc., to refresh the energies.
The Creation Light Ship website is a very important asset for humanity and has already facilitated more capacity for millions of people to ascend.
For those who don’t experience any benefit from the clearings, please continue to increase your life force energy and integrate more of your Spirit. The benefits will become evident as you accrete more light.
Always listen to your own heart and override all outside input to make your own choices. If it doesn’t feel right to you to run the clearings, it can be empowering to rely on the commands. If the commands do not work for you, do your best to integrate more light and listen to Ron’s BBS recordings and Q’s shows on BBS as well. The frequency of their voices add peace and Light to those who resonate with them.
The main purpose of the Creation Light Ship website is to help people release darkness and increase their own Light so their Spirit has the power to heal them and guide them during the ascension. Your Spirit is always what actually heals you and directs you to safety.
For those who have more questions, the lovely VOLUNTEERS at the Creation Light Ship website are there to help you with the clearings. They keep an updated contact on the website for participants.
ForTheSpirt does not have any business association with the Creation Light Ship website, nor do we receive any income from it, or for promoting it. We simply view it with paramount importance for the ascension.
Blessings on your healing Journey
All paintings by Yongsung Kim